My first week in Thailand has gone pretty well! I adjusted to the time change relatively quickly since I
I don't have much to write about because this week was just time to adjust & get settled. I talked with Stephen about a tentative schedule for my ministry. (I say tentative because you never know if/when it will change here :) ) I'll be going to language school on Mon, Wed, & Fri afternoons. The way things look now, I'll have clinic time on Tues & Thurs mornings & teach English on Sat. I'm excited to get to work!
One other thing that I was able to do this week, that I had failed to do & stick with in the months I was home, was to set aside certain times during the day for devotionals, Bible study, & just spending time with God. This was something I desperately needed to do & has been much easier to do here without all of the distractions...yet. (I know distractions will be coming!)
One of the many books I'm reading right now is "Captivating" by John & Stasi Eldredge. As I was reading this week, something they wrote jumped off the page at me:
"He (meaning God) often takes us aside from every other source of comfort
so that He alone can have our heart's attention."
This statement hit the nail right on the head of why I am in this season of my life. (one of the reasons, anyway) It was such a poignant reminder to me this week at a time I needed it most! Lord, you have my heart's attention!
Another excerpt from "Captivating" that spoke to me this week:
"Jesus says the first & greatest commandment is 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart & with all your soul & with all your mind.' (Matthew 22:37) Jesus wants us to love one another, yes. He wants us to serve one another, yes. But first & foremost, He wants our utter devotion & love for Him. It is from hearts filled with love for Him that all good works & acts of love flow."
Again, another reminder at a time I needed it most, that as I prepare to start this new ministry, I need to always keep Him first!
I may not have accomplished a lot in the eyes of the world this week, which at times was frustrating me; but I accomplished a lot in the eyes of God this week, which to me, is worth more than anything!
Serving & Loving Him
Amen, sister!! I fully intend on keeping you accountable to staying in the Word! : ) A dear friend of mine, who spent 5 yrs. in Indonesia, said, "To successfully stay in the mission field, one must be disciplined to time in the Word, because no one else will keep you accountable." Can't wait for you to dig into Ezra... you are going to love it! Perfect timing for being stirred and called to a distant land to build God's house! Love your heart Alicia!! Be encouraged, the Lord is so near and He upholds the feet of His godly ones!