Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Walk to Remember...

Last night, everyone was busy, so I took advantage of an evening alone to spend some time at Funks Grove...just me and God. It still amazes me at how just the right moment, when you need it the most, God reveals Himself, reminding you of who He is & whose you are!

My first reminder...

...a reminder of why I was there...

...the beautiful view I had the privilege of experiencing... I was thinking "This night can only be more perfect if I see a deer", there He is...

...and the conclusion to my night - a real life place of the "perfect" spot I just last week set as my desktop to remind me to "Be still, & know that I am God."

1 comment:

  1. Alicia,
    Your post brought tears to my eyes. God is so amazing in the way He shows his love to us in the smallest things. He knows what we need when we need it and how to best speak to our hearts. Could we ask for a better Father?!?
    :) Jennifer
